You Should Consider These 6 Less Obvious Building Design Goals

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Contractors start by building a home. Years later, different contractors may come and remodel or make repairs to that home. Meanwhile, other construction workers will be building and maintaining the roads leading to that home. All of these workers are working at different times, but their work affects the others. If the first builder, for example, does a thorough job building a home, the remodeling contractor will have an easier time. If you find these points interesting, then there's more where they came from. Check out the articles on this blog, where we discuss all different aspects of the construction industry.


You Should Consider These 6 Less Obvious Building Design Goals

2 July 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When people contemplate building design, they often focus on the immediate appearance and functionality of a location. Those are fine goals, but a professional building designer will tell you to look closer at some less obvious issues.

Which ones should you consider? These six options are great choices for anyone who wants to give a building design an extra level of thought.

Noise Reduction

Especially in active commercial settings, people need to be able to live with the building. If a structure is especially close to traffic, noise reduction is a big deal. The same applies to locations with many people coming and going or lively social settings. Sound-absorbing materials like mesh paneling can go a long way toward absorbing noises.

Spaces for People

Another livability issue is providing sufficient space for people to work. In intense work environments, this may include providing spaces where people can decompress or get away from others. Indoor gardens, for example, are relaxing areas where people can unplug for a few minutes before getting back to their workday.


Providing quality light, especially natural light, can give any building design an upgrade. Consider where the sun is during the day. Even if the building is going up in a region with lots of dull weather, you can use mirrors and windows to collect and distribute light.

If you have to use artificial lighting, try to provide as even a supply as possible. Verify that contractors are using light fixtures that don't emit harmful UV rays, too. This will reduce eye strain and keep people feeling perkier during workdays.


While many builders tend to consider colors and shapes, they often overlook textures. A building designer may use a bit of texture to give a boring wall, for example, some depth and life.


The ability of people to flow through space is critical. Foremost, it's a practical issue regarding how they'll get from point A to B. Secondly, it's a safety issue, especially in locations with loads of foot traffic.

A building designer can model how people will flow through an area, and they can take note of spots that are unpleasant or even dangerous. They'll subsequently tweak the design until they resolve the problems.

Sustainability and Efficiency

Buildings tend to consume lots of energy, and it's important to save money by making them efficient. You also need to make sure a building is sustainable. This applies to the materials involved in a project, and it also applies to the long-term ability to maintain and repair the structure so it can stay in operation as long as possible. To learn more, contact a building designer.