3 Signs You Need Septic Tank Drainfield Repair

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3 Signs You Need Septic Tank Drainfield Repair

13 July 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

The effluent from your septic tank usually flows to the drainfield for filtration before being discharged to groundwater. However, over time, your drainfield might develop problems that can affect its efficiency. Homeowners should learn how to spot such issues to take action on time and avoid further challenges such as being exposed to contaminated water or drainfield replacement costs. For this reason, here are three signs you need septic tank drainfield repair.

1. Slow Drains

If your toilets, sinks, showers, and tubs are draining slowly, forcing you to deal with standing water, the chances are that your drainfield is clogged. In addition, accumulated organic matter, non-flushable items, and tree roots can block your drainfield pipes, and in turn, prevent wastewater from flowing freely. Therefore, you should call a professional to inspect your system since other issues, such as clogged plumbing pipes or a filled-up septic tank, could also cause this problem.

If the root of the problem is a clogged drainfield, the septic system professionals will use advanced equipment and approaches such as shock treatments to clear the piping. You should avoid parking or driving by your drainfield because your car's weight can damage the pipes.

2. Sewer Backups

When your drainfield is clogged, wastewater will be pushed back to the septic tank. Eventually, water levels on the tank will also rise and push it back to your house. Consequently, you will have sewer backups in your toilets, tubs, or sinks.

If you experience this issue, you should take a look at your septic tank. If its water level is above the drain line, this indicates that your drainfield can't hold any more wastewater. Therefore, you should seek septic tank drainfield repair services to restore your system's performance. The professionals will inspect your drainfield to diagnose the underlying issues and solve them. For example, the culprit may be clogs or the drainfield soil may be saturated by water from heavy rainfall or snowmelt. Sewer backups can pose serious health risks, so you need to seek professional help right away.

3. Overly Healthy Grass on the Drainfield

If the grass on or around your leach field is exceptionally lush, growing greener and taller every day, this may be a sign of overstress. When wastewater can't penetrate the drainfield's soil, it will supply the grass with excess nutrients. Hence, if you have over healthy vegetation on your drainfield, you possibly have a problem that needs attention.

These signs can notify you when it's time for a septic tank drainfield repair. Reach out to a professional who provides septic tank drainfield repair services.