3 Reasons to Use a Third-Party Construction Quality Control Manager

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Contractors start by building a home. Years later, different contractors may come and remodel or make repairs to that home. Meanwhile, other construction workers will be building and maintaining the roads leading to that home. All of these workers are working at different times, but their work affects the others. If the first builder, for example, does a thorough job building a home, the remodeling contractor will have an easier time. If you find these points interesting, then there's more where they came from. Check out the articles on this blog, where we discuss all different aspects of the construction industry.


3 Reasons to Use a Third-Party Construction Quality Control Manager

20 July 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

The margin for error in the construction industry is incredibly slim. This is especially true for construction projects that are funded by state or federal governments. Government construction projects are typically paid for using public tax dollars.

To ensure that this money is being spent wisely, any construction company that hopes to secure a government contract must have a quality control manager on staff. It can be more cost-effective to work with a company that offers quality control managers for general contractors to utilize on a project-by-project basis than to employ a quality control manager on a full-time basis.

Reduce Costs Without Sacrificing Quality

If you fail to meet government requirements during your construction project, you may find that your contract is in danger of being terminated. A quality control manager is responsible for monitoring all construction activities to ensure minimum requirements are being met.

Finding someone with the knowledge and experience needed to successfully oversee a government construction project can be challenging. You may end up paying a high salary if you are able to secure a suitable candidate. Hiring a third-party quality control manager allows you to access highly qualified managers without breaking the bank.

Take Advantage of Government Relationships

The quality of control managers available through third-party companies have is usually spent through many years of working within the government construction industry. This experience has given these third-party managers the opportunity to develop solid relationships with government officials.

You can take advantage of these relationships by allowing a third-party quality control manager to interact with government inspectors and auditors on your behalf. Finding a manager in the private sector with the same network of government contacts is nearly impossible.

Streamline the Tracking and Reporting Processes

All government contracts are subject to routine tracking and reporting. These processes allow government officials to monitor the progress of the contract and ensure that everything is finished on time and within budget. Third-party construction quality control managers are familiar with the forms that must be submitted during a government construction process. Failure to submit the right forms in a timely manner could cause the government to revoke your contract.

By working with an experienced quality control manager, you won't have to worry about losing out on valuable government construction jobs because of paperwork errors. Government construction projects can be very lucrative. Work with a third-party quality control manager to help ensure that your construction company is able to meet the requirements of government construction contracts in the future.