5 Safety Upgrades For Your Home's Electrical System

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5 Safety Upgrades For Your Home's Electrical System

4 April 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Few would want to live in a home without electricity, but it is important to understand the risks. There are a few upgrades your electrician can make that will help mitigate risks and hazards, such as electrical shock or fires.

1. Install GFCI Outlets

Outlets in kitchens or bathrooms are at risk of water exposure, which can lead to a dangerous electric shock. The best defense is outlets designed to cut off all electrical current when the presence of moisture is detected. GFCI outlets provide this benefit. If the outlets in your wet rooms feature a small reset and test button, then you are already equipped with GFCI outlets. Once the moisture is dried, you can press the reset button to turn the outlet back on.

2. Ground All Outlets

It's not uncommon in older homes to find outlets that aren't properly grounded. These outlets won't have a hole for the third grounding prong that is present on some plugs. There may also be issues where modern grounded outlets were installed, but then they weren't grounded properly during installation. An electrician can replace old outlets with grounded types. They can also check your grounded outlets to make sure they are properly grounded within the outlet box.

3. Update the Electric Panel

Out-of-date electrical panels can be prone to overloading and blown circuits, which is both a nuisance and a hazard. A panel inspection by a residential electrician will reveal any issues. Repairs may be as simple as updating the wiring and breakers in your current box, or your electrician may need to replace the electrical panel if it is too old and outdated. 

4. Protect Flood Zones

Outlets and other wiring in areas with flood risk, such as the basement or water heater closet, pose a special risk. Being able to switch off all electrical current in a flooded area can be life-saving, as the electrical current flowing through flood water is a killer. Electrical panels can be sited in areas that are likely to be dry and accessible during a flood, for example, so that the power supply to the at-risk area can be easily cut off safely if the need arises.

5. Prevent Surge Risks

Power surges can occur, especially during major storms. These surges can damage appliances and electronics, or even cause an electrical shock or fire. Individual surge protectors at the outlet are helpful, but you can do more. Your electrician can install a whole-house surge protector that will protect every part of your electrical system.

Contact a residential electrician if you need to make safety upgrades to your home.