A Guide To Navigating The Intricacies Of Rigging And Signal Person Safety Training

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A Guide To Navigating The Intricacies Of Rigging And Signal Person Safety Training

17 April 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

As a project manager in the construction industry, understanding the importance of safety training for your team is essential. When it comes to qualified rigging and signal person training, mastering the intricacies of these crucial roles ensures a safe and efficient job site. To this end, here's what you need to know to set your team up for success: 

Riggers and Signal People

First, it's important to understand what a qualified rigger is. This person is responsible for selecting, inspecting, and attaching rigging equipment to hoist and move heavy loads. Riggers ensure proper balance and secure connections, minimizing the risks associated with lifting operations.

Working in close concert with a qualified rigger is a signal person. The signal person directs the crane or hoisting equipment operator using hand or voice signals. The signal person works as the eyes and ears of the operator, providing essential communication to prevent accidents and maintain efficiency.

Qualified Rigger and Signal Person Training Steps

Ensuring riggers and signal persons receive proper training is crucial. The steps to do so include each of the following:

Step 1: Identify Training Needs 

Begin by assessing your team's current knowledge and skill level. This helps you determine the extent of training required. Keep in mind OSHA mandates that riggers and signal persons be "qualified" through knowledge, training, and experience. It's your responsibility to ensure your team meets each of these standards.

Step 2: Choose a Reputable Training Provider 

Select a training provider with a proven track record in rigging and signaling safety. This is crucial to guarantee your team receives accurate and up-to-date information. Consider providers accredited by recognized organizations such as NCCCO, CIC, or OSHA.

Step 3: Enroll in Comprehensive Courses 

Your chosen training provider should offer courses that cover both the practical and theoretical aspects of rigging and signaling. These courses should delve into topics such as rigging hardware and sling selection, load calculations, crane dynamics, and communication techniques. Ensure that the courses meet or exceed OSHA requirements for rigging and signal person qualifications.

Step 4: Verify Hands-On Training Opportunities 

Nothing beats hands-on experience when it comes to mastering rigging and signaling techniques. Ensure your training provider offers practical exercises that simulate real-world scenarios. This will enable your team to apply their newfound knowledge in a controlled environment.

Step 5: Monitor and Evaluate the Implementation 

Finally, after completing the training, closely monitor your team's performance on the job site. Provide constructive feedback and address any knowledge gaps to reinforce the importance of safe rigging and signaling practices.

Reach out to a company that offers qualified rigging and signal person safety training to learn more.