Residential Siding Installation: Tips To Remember

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Residential Siding Installation: Tips To Remember

21 July 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Adding new siding to your home's exterior gives your home an entirely different look. You might need one after having the same house for decades. Just make sure you approach residential siding installation in a couple of ways.

Find a Material You're Favorable To

Before you put new siding on your property's exterior, find a siding material you like. It must be perfect in every way, from how it looks to how much it costs. Consequently, you won't have any regrets when you start the installation.

Luckily, there are some great siding options for residential properties today. Some prevalent options include vinyl, wood, brick, and stucco. As you review these options, consider the aesthetics you're fond of and a material that works for your budget. 

Remove Trees and Shrubs 

Once you have a siding material picked out, examine the exterior of your property to see if there are trees or shrubs you need to remove before installation. Take care of them before doing anything else to access your home's exterior with ease. 

For shrubs, you can use basic tools like garden shears. However, if there are trees in the way, hire an arborist. They can help you plan branch cuts to give you easy access to your home's exterior without harming the tree's health. 

Achieve Even Placement 

An important objective to consider when installing new residential siding is achieving even results. Each panel you set up should be even so that the end product looks professional and appealing. You don't need much to get even placement with each panel.

You can eye panels side by side, but even more effective is to use a leveler tool to verify that all your panels are even. Such as simple step helps you maximize new siding from a visual standpoint. 

Test Installation at the End 

After putting new siding on your home and securing it in place, you should test it before leaving it alone. The most important thing to check is whether or not you've achieved a tight seal. 

To find out for sure, get a water hose and spray all areas of the new siding. If water can't seep through and get behind the siding, you know you've achieved an optimal installation that makes water damage less probable in the future.

Investing in new siding is a fantastic way to makeover your home's exterior and improve its energy efficiency. The trick to a successful installation is patience, the right tools, and thorough testing. 

Contact a local company to learn more about siding installation.