An Honest Look At The Pros And Cons Of Asphalt Overlay

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Contractors start by building a home. Years later, different contractors may come and remodel or make repairs to that home. Meanwhile, other construction workers will be building and maintaining the roads leading to that home. All of these workers are working at different times, but their work affects the others. If the first builder, for example, does a thorough job building a home, the remodeling contractor will have an easier time. If you find these points interesting, then there's more where they came from. Check out the articles on this blog, where we discuss all different aspects of the construction industry.


An Honest Look At The Pros And Cons Of Asphalt Overlay

16 November 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When it comes to keeping your asphalt driveway or parking lot in pristine condition, there are a few methods to achieve that goal. One of the most popular options is an asphalt overlay. An asphalt overlay is a layer of new asphalt that is applied over the top of an existing asphalt surface to restore its appearance and functionality. But, like any strategy, there are both upsides and downsides to an asphalt overlay. This blog will give you a short look at the pros and cons of an asphalt overlay.


Improved Appearance: The most obvious and significant advantage of an asphalt overlay is it can give your asphalt surface a refreshing and new appearance. It can cover the cracks, potholes, and other types of damage, making it look like a brand-new surface.

Prolongs Your Pavement's Lifespan: Asphalt overlay is also a pavement preservation method that can extend the life of your existing asphalt surface. It helps prevent water from seeping into the pores and causing damage, further deterioration, and cracks.

Faster and More Cost-Effective Method: An asphalt overlay is a fast and cost-effective method compared to re-grading, excavating, or resurfacing an entire asphalt surface. It saves you money in the long run as well.


Inability to Repair the Base Structure: An asphalt overlay does not repair any underlying problems that may be affecting the pavement's base structure. It merely covers them, making it a temporary solution in some cases. If the base structure is severely damaged, typically, an overlay will not be able to fix it.

Not Suitable for High-Stress Areas: Asphalt overlay is not an ideal option for high-stress areas such as parking lots or high-traffic streets. These areas require thicker overlays for better durability and longevity. In some cases, an overlay may not be suitable at all.

Unsuitable in Cold Climates: An asphalt overlay is not ideal in colder climates as it can crack due to the expansion and contraction of its components during temperature changes.

Asphalt overlaying can be an excellent option for improving the appearance and durability of your existing asphalt surface. Its pros and cons are dependent on factors such as the base structure's condition, climatic regions, and traffic volume. At the end of the day, it is important to consider all factors to make an informed decision about whether an asphalt overlay is the right choice for you. 

Contact a professional to learn more about asphalt overlays